Garden Walls

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A garden wall in brick or stone may be more expensive than a fence, but it’ll weather attractively and last a lifetime. You’ll need planning permission for any wall over 1 metre high on the edge of a public highway, and for any free-standing wall over 2 metres high. You may well need a structural engineer’s specification for large retaining walls – but you shouldn’t really be attempting these anyway without some experience on less ambitious building projects.

Although the techniques for building a wall are pretty straightforward, you’ll need to plan and design it properly if it’s to be strong and stable. The design of your wall will depend to a large extent on what you’re using it for.

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Gettree Garden has been an essential part of my company's growth. I went from 10-15 maintenance clients to 150+ maintenance clients at the peak of the season.
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Professional Service Company For Landscaping

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

A garden wall in brick or stone may be more expensive than a fence, but it’ll weather attractively and last a lifetime. You’ll need planning permission for any wall over 1 metre high on the edge of a public highway, and for any free-standing wall over 2 metres high. You may well need a structural engineer’s specification for large retaining walls – but you shouldn’t really be attempting these anyway without some experience on less ambitious building projects.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers ?

The different functions of a garden wall

Many people’s strategy towards lawn care consists of dragging the lawn mower out or scheduling lawn mowing whenever their grass begins to look bad, but there is more to the process. How and when you mow your grass plays a big part in the overall quality and presentation of your lawn.

Types of decorative garden wall

It’s important to remember the 1/3 principle when it comes to lawn care. You should never cut your grass more than 1/3 of its original height at any time. This could cause trauma to the grass and result in discoloration. The perfect height for the grass in your yard depends on the type of grass and the season. Different types of grass thrive at different heights, and all grass should be kept longer in the summer to help cut down on water usage. Higher blades of grass helps prevent water from evaporating as quickly, allowing you to save some money and still have a gorgeous yard.

Walling materials

If you've been out of town or just got a little backed up with other chores, don't worry. You'll still want to adhere to the 1/3's rule, but make sure that you cut your grass down in increments. This will reduce the amount of stress you put on the grass.

How to choose your walling materials

Lawn mower maintenance can range from cleaning the undercarriage to a professional inspection.

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